"For thousands of years, women have been beaten, abused, burned at the stake, and blamed for all manner of evil simply
because of their sex" Christiane Northrup, MD
""For the Jews, Mohammedans, and Christians among others,
man is master by divine right; therefore the fear of God will repress any impulse towards revolt in the downtrodden female."
Simone de Beauvoir
"The patriarchal organization of our society demands that
women, it's second class citizens, ignore or turn away from their hopes and dreams in deference to men and the demands of
their families." Christiane Northrup, MD
"Having no sense of right or wrong, no conscience, which
can only stem from an ability to emphasize with others... having no faith in his non-existant self, being neccessarily competitive
and, by nature, unable to cooperate, the male feels a need for external guidance and control. So he created authorities -
priests, experts, bosses, leaders, etc. - and government. Wanting the female (Mama)to guide him, but unable to accept
this fact (he is, after all a MAN), wanting to play Woman, to usurp her function as Guider and Protector, he sees to it that
all authorities are male." Valerie Solanas
"Having an obsessive desire to be admired by women, but no intrinsic worth, the
male constructs a highly artificial society enabling him to appropriate the appearance of wealth through money, prestige,
"high" social class, degrees, professional position and knowledge and, by pushing as many other men as possible down professionally,
socially, economically, and educationally.
The purpose of higher education is not to educate but to exclude as many as possible
from the various professions."
Valerie Solanas