We are a group of like and unlike minded women (and S.C.U.M. Mens Auxillary,
prospective recruits/volunteers ,male feminists, matriarchally minded men, etc.) joining together
to collect and disseminate vital information commonly suppressed by mainstream media. We believe that neural developement
, and access to information are the keys to waking up from your conditioned complacency.
"United we stand. Divided we fall"... cliche??
In our patriarchal society introversion is highly encouraged in young girls. We are conditioned to defer by default to
the concept of total male domination, and the impoverishment and general subordination of women.
"According to the United Nations Report on the Status of Women, women do two-thirds of the world's work for one-tenth
of the world's wages, yet they own less than one-hundreths of the world's property."
- Christiane Northrup, M.D
''Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom"
The patriarchy is not an isolated capitalist dictatorship, no, it's influence is a global contamination. We let
them have our power and look at how they misuse it. It is our choice to allow ourselves to be marginalized in the patriarchal
society, it is our choice to even exist within the patriachy. We can join together in an effort to save the lives of our mothers,
our sisters, our children, even our planet from the oppressive and ultimately destructive hold of these so called patricians.
It is our choice, please choose well, it is your very existence that is at stake. We may be weak when divided and uninformed,
but as the real information (/power) is easily accessable to women, I believe we will all feel the call to rise above habitual
conditioned responses to our reality and actively make a choice for our future and the fate of humanity at large. We are in
the processes of establishing an interactive organization for the purpose of the reclamation of the matriarchy through strategic
awareness campaigns. Please at least become aware, by taking the time to review the information provided by 8/8 and the END
We appreciate all contributions... We are a new organization and if you think that you have any speacial skills, contributions,
etc. or even just wish to be on our contact list. Send an email to neural_contact@hotmail.com or just go to the membership page. We are appreciative of all feedback and will gladly respond to your inquiries as expediently
as we are able.